Recent Work at MAPC's Digital Services Group


Boston Youth Jobs Platform


Alicia managed product development and concept of a platform to vastly improve access to summer jobs for youth in the City of Boston. The platform includes a front-end dashboard for city staff and youth, a texting interface providing digital job offers, and a job matching algorithm. Alicia led the end-to-end user centered design process with youth and community-based organizations to produce this open source tool for cities. 

Read more about the project
See the deck from Harvard's Data Smart Summit for Cities


Local Energy Dashboard

In 2017, Alicia managed a product team in the design and development of a statewide dashboard to estimate local energy consumption and emissions. 

The dashboard gathers together hard-to-get data around residential, commercial and industrial energy use by community -- making it faster to compare cities and towns along metrics that were formerly spread over many different sources, laying a data-driven foundation for reducing local energy use.

“Historically, it’s been very challenging to gather all this data in one place, making it hard for cities and towns to know how well they are doing in terms of energy consumption and emissions in comparison to their neighbors,” said Cameron Peterson, Director of Clean Energy for MAPC.